Zambezi | New Business Pitch | Strategy and Creative
The Ask:
Deliver a creative idea within the Fuel Me Up category positioning that drives awareness and HHP among a younger, child-free audience of 21-35 y.o. – without alienating the Better Believer core audience
The brand's recent growth has been remarkable going from insurgent to heavy weight:
From #11 to #4 in the better-for-you snack bar category​
Tripled revenue in the last few years​
Utah manufacturing company facility coming online in 2025​
25-35% growth MoM ​
#1 better-for-you snack bar at Cotsco & Amazon
Core: Better Believers
(Parents + Kids 0-12)
Growth: Younger, child-free audience of 21-35 y.o
Strategic Media Approach:
Bring the lasting joy of Nature's Bakery into whatever comes next.
The Challenge:
With the brand growing at an exponential rate, how can Nature's Bakery break through a crowded category to garner more awareness and make more memorable work continuing to build on the brand momentum happening to double HHP.
The Opportunity:
The opportunity for growth has never been greater. Forget breakfast, lunch and dinner. People can’t get enough of the in-between.
Nature Bakery’s differentiated position provides a unique opportunity to connect with consumers across demographics and benefits.
Functional benefit:
Nut-free, vegan, soft baked
Emotional benefit:
Joyfulness + brand purpose
My Role:
Researched trends, audience. and competitive landscape surrounding healthy snacking
Helped put together the audience through MRI Simmons
Helped to craft the strategic approach and opportunity for the campaign
Presented the deck to clients
Brand Background
The core products are a hit with the raspberry and blueberry fig bars being top sellers
The brand is winning with the product benefits
The innovation pipeline has expanded the portfolio into new form factors
We have all the ingredients for success...
Deliver a creative idea within the “Fuel Me Up” category positioning
The challenge is a lot of snack bars are trying to own fuel, and it’s all been functional
Turning a function into a feeling will help us be top of mind for this younger, growth audience
Snacking has become a premeditated moment of self-care for this audience
Having a positive snacking moment in between life’s busy activities allows them to re-charge
Most moments of joy during the day are fleeting
While this moment of joy may not last forever, the optimism you’re left with sticks with you
Articulating Our Positioning For 21-35 Year Olds
So whatever our audience faces in their day - good, bad, or ugly…
Cat Marsh: Strategist
Matt Babazadeh: Head of Strateagy
Jasmine Green: Associate Director, Social Strategy
Gavin Lester: Partner & CCO
Laura Lapham: Associate Creative Director​
Julie Soluri: Associate Creative Director
Julia Stain: Growth Executive
Sean Daly: Growth Director
Laura Stayt: President
Chris Raih: Founder