Why are we more comfortable paying $30 for an entree at a French restaurant than a Chinese one?
Can it be called fine dining if you’re eating with your hands?
These are the questions we want DoorDash to help America reckon with by confronting #FoodBias.
Brandcenter Sprint X DoorDash X Martin Agency| 3 Days | Do Good Campaign | Real Client Project + Presentation
2020 was an unforgettable year when many first woke up to systemic racism. DoorDash knew it didn't just want to push for racial equality - it had the duty to. The company wanted to do as much as it could to call attention to inequalities, and help those who needed it most.
DoorDash encourages its users to dine at Black-owned businesses, calling out these establishments on its app's homepage. It donates to various racial justice organizations, and its CEO, Tony Xu, continuously speaks out about these issues and calls for change. The brand acts with authenticity and respect; yet, strives to do more and bring light to the systemic racism that subsists.
The Ask:
How can DoorDash continue to push for racial progress, and inspire consumers to seek to understand cultures other than their own?
We subconsciously hold some culture’s cuisine in higher regard than others (ie. French vs. Chinese). When we perceive a given culture’s food as less valuable, it creates a glass ceiling for restaurant owners.
Even though there’s been multiple studies done on food perception, none have directly addressed the cultural aspect and the inherent prejudices that exists towards different cuisines. There isn’t a term for this— until now. We call it food bias, the preconceived notion (whether conscious or unconscious) that one culture's food is inherently more valuable.
DoorDash doesn't just serve food, they serve culture
DoorDash will open people's minds and stomachs to help change not just how we order delivery, but also cultural perceptions, to face food bias head on. This requires changing people's perception and that takes time but it can be done throughout 3 phases.
1. Establish Empathy:
Grab people's attention to highlight food biases and how they play a significant role in systemic racism and discrimination.
2. Change Behavior:
Create engaging incentives that allow people to try new foods and start to consciously recognize their own food bias.
3. Maintain Behavior and Create Habit:
Keep people engaged through providing opportunities for advancement by continuously checking and breaking down their bias.
Campaign: #FoodBias
The concept of food bias has never been directly addressed, these are the preconceived notion (conscious or unconscious) that one culture's food is inherently more valuable. DoorDash can be the forefront of this issue and utilize their status, technology, and data to serve not just food but culture. DoorDash can help continue to push for racial progress and promote a greater understanding of cultures different from our own.
My Role:
Conducted app audit
Researched food delivery and the restaurant industry in general
Helped craft the definition of food bias
Crafted the strategy line and direction
Helped with ideation of campaign executions
Let's discuss...food bias
There hasn't been any direct research done on food bias...so what exactly is food bias? Since no one has defined it we gave it one.
For some cuisines, food bias has costly effects
Only 39% of Black chefs are recognized for fine cuisine
Delish: Where Are All the Black Chefs, Aug 2020

Chinese food was considered one of the most sophisticated cuisines for over 500 years but in America the common perception has changed to fast + cheap

It can lead to restaurants "Americanizing" another culture's food and changing it to get monetary gain: example Chipotle's barbacoa

DoorDash has the opportunity to be at the forefront of food bias and open people's minds and stomachs.
DoorDash doesn’t just serve food.
They serve culture.
This requires changing people's perception and that takes time but it can be done throughout 3 phases
1. Establish Empathy
and Understanding
Grab people's attention to highlight food biases and how they play a significant role in systemic racism and discrimination.
2. Change Behavior
Create engaging incentives that allow people to try new foods and start to consciously recognize their own food bias.
3. Maintain Behavior and Create Habits
Keep people engaged through providing opportunities for advancement by continuously checking and breaking down their bias.
Phase 1: Awareness
Establish Empathy and Understanding
DoorDash partners with Michelin Star chefs and food trucks to redefine dining and culture

How it works:
Partner with BIPOC chefs to come up with a fine dining menu
Invite food personalities, reviewers and influencers to attend the event
Drop a surprise on them - it's fine dining designed without cutlery
Ask the big question - is it still fine dining if we're using our hands?
Film a video reflecting what fine dining means in multicultural America

How it works:
Identify cultural deserts - small towns across America that don't have a lot of multicultural restaurants
DoorDash employs a fleet of food trucks to bring authentic cultural food to the towns
Film the event and get reactions from the locals
Give people on social a chance to bring the fleet to their town
DoorDash can implement social ads posing the questions that address food bias and led people to a food bias quiz through these social touchpoints
Campaign: #FoodBias
The concept of food bias has never been directly addressed, these are the preconceived notion (conscious or unconscious) that one culture's food is inherently more valuable. DoorDash can be the forefront of this issue and utilize their status, technology, and data to serve not just food but culture. DoorDash can help continue to push for racial progress and promote a greater understanding of cultures different from our own.

DoorDash can help bring attention to this issue by partnering with a major university and conduct a direct study on food bias
Front of the house: the face of the campaign, getting attention
Back of the house: investing in research and analysis to direct the front

Social distancing circles will be placed in participating restaurants while waiting for their food or pickup

Food Bias Quiz and In-App Experience and Walk Through

Another touchpoint is DoorDash's Year in Flavor where it can show people their food bias but also give them an opportunity to try new foods

Ever wondered why you can’t get enough Traditional American cuisine?
​We know, we know — you could quit any time.
It may seem like your stomach has a mind of its own, but something else may be at play.
At DoorDash, we’re exploring something called “food bias.” It’s all our preconceived ideas that shape how we assign value to different cultures’ cuisines. Join us in recognizing and understanding these notions as part of our duty to defend and uplift our beloved communities.
Are you ready to check your food bias?

Create Behavior
Phase 2: Change Behavior
DoorDash’s all-new loyalty program with purpose. Each season, customers opt-in to receive a curated list of 12 local POC-owned restaurants they’ve likely never tried. Customers order from participating restaurants, earn points toward rewards, support their community, and in trying new cuisines, come one step closer to eliminating their food biases.

DoorDash Packaging Program:
Creating a more consistent design to level the playing the field while using personalized restaurant QR codes to learn more about the food and culture.

Maintain and Create Habit
Phase 3: Change Behavior
DoorDash provides people with a physical DashPort where they can collect the stickers and stamps where they can get rewards and keep their interest in new cuisine going. It's a fun, tactical, and tangible way for DoorDash eaters to collect stickers and memorabilia.

Strategy Team:
Cat Marsh: Strategist
Account Team:
Paige Majdic: Creative Brand Manager
Creative Team:
Kevin Ma: Copywriter
Laura Gardner: Copywriter
Matt Cavallo: Art Director
Sara Smokrovich: Art Director
UX Team:
Madalyn Crews: Experience Designer